WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. VISIT Forum 16/02/05 Paper 1 Annex 1 Table - Comments on Draft Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan for Discussion by VISIT Forum members Page No & Para Comments Some acknowledgement required of businesses well outside the Park area who are active within the Park, some of whom may provide a service not offered by businesses within the Park, or a better quality than that provided within the Park. Reasonable to concentrate on businesses within the Park first, but some recognition of potential of businesses outwith the Park to be included in the strategy. Comment made by EM Page No & Para 17 Comments Falling cost of travel – need to acknowledge that the Park area offers some of the highest fuel prices in the UK and the effect this has on visitor distribution, particularly to non-honeypot areas. Would this be best covered under ‘weaknesses’ Comment made by EM Page No & Para 24 - 3.1 Comments Insert ‘In working to achieve these aims, legislation makes clear that if it appears to the authority that there is a conflict between the National Park aim set out in 1 above, and other National Park aims then the authority must give greater weight to this aim.’ Comment made by JG Page No & Para Page 25 Comments Suggest natural heritage strategy, as agreed by Board last month is referred to FN to supply paragraph Comment made by FN Page No & Para 28 Comments Second priority about increase in appreciation Consider changing the term ‘wilderness landscapes’ to ‘diversity of landuse or patchwork of habitats. Hamish Trench to comment on recent work on special qualities. Comment made by D.Greene Page No & Para 30 Comments The paragraph’s referring to the role of the CNPA to be given greater priority, almost ‘lost’ as second last bullet point, or repeated elsewhere Comment made by DS Page No & Para 31 Comments Comment by a private enterprise that operates one week holidays for 36 weeks in a hotel, and queries the assertion that 1-2 week holiday makers tend to use self catering. Comment made by KS Page No & Para 47 Comments More on parallel sustainable standards should be included eg golf course scheme, Blue Flag for inland beaches, UIAA Environment label for climbing and walking guides – sustainability marks to be encouraged, and this should be added to 7d, and included in development of criteria for use of the brand. Comment made by DB Page No & Para 40-4b Comments ‘easing the cost of joining schemes where possible’ asking for clarification on this Comment made by EB Page No & Para 49 – 8f Comments Active dialogue with coach operators - for discussion Consider ‘The opportunities for more high-spending day visitors through corporate and other groups staying in Aberdeen for example, or through passengers on cruise ships visiting east coast ports. First bullet point after coach operators could insert ‘including those not based in the NP area to look at their needs and interests, routes used, toilet provision and car parking, or clear set down and pick up points, environmental management, purchasing policies etc Comment made by EM Page No & Para Chapter 5 p52 Comments Insert introductory paragraph stressing that Chapter 5 will become the working document for VISIT Forum and the CNPA. It will be an evolving document that will form the basis of updates to the Forum on a regular basis. Significant progress on a number of these priority actions has already been undertaken, and this will be summarised in the first update to the VISIT Forum. Suggest ‘lead’ agencies is changed to partner agencies for this version of the table. Comment made by AH/DS Page No & Para 58 Comments Tourism Enterprise Performance and Satisfaction – full consideration of indicators and monitoring required. Comment made by EB